Marching home from the Civil War, Logan Albertson is at the end of his strength and will to carry on, when he spots the lights of a cabin in the Tennessee woods. Widowed Mae Pike is bone weary and struggling to survive in the wilderness without her husband. When a stranger shows up in the night, she keeps the door barred -- until he tells something about himself that gives her a glimpse of the Yankee soldier as a person.
In two short days, two wary strangers connect in subtle ways. Soon the flickering flame of attraction between Logan and Mae flares into a fire that consumes them both. Is a future together possible for enemies of war, or are mere moments of comfort all they can share?
This short story was originally contained in an anthology. It's intended as a free sample of my work. If the “happy for now” ending doesn't appeal, I suggest reading Scarred Hearts which is similar in theme and tone and is a full length novel.