Bonita Wagners page turning novels, Called From Darkness and Date With The Devil, first brought you into the life of Chyna Wilson. The gripping tale of Chynas struggle for her life as she tries to escape the satanic cult in which she was raised, kept readers sitting on the edge of their seats from the first page to the last.In Cries From The Cradle, Chyna is placed in unimaginable terror. Her secure family life is revisited by an evil everyone thought had been destroyed. Ian Foster, Brandon Fosters brother, revitalizes the satanic cult and a human sacrifice is chosen. Halloween will culminate their revenge.Once again, Texas Rangers, Travis Bonham and Manny Ruiz are called in to help. Its a race against time as they set out to stop the cult before its too late.But, ultimately it is Chyna who must face down her past...even if it means death.