Four nostalgic, heart-warming Christmas romances to curl up with and enjoy.ANNIE'S LETTER: (prequel to Lantern In The Window)1885--WIFE WANTED, OLDER WOMAN, MUST HAVE KNOWLEDGE OF HOUSEWIFERY AND FARMING. OBJECT, MATRIMONY.LANTERN IN THE WINDOW;Annie marries Noah, a farmer who advertises for an experienced, older woman familiar with farming. She doesn't mention that she's never laid eyes on a cow or that her deaf sister is part of the bargain. CAROL'S CHRISTMAS;December 23, 1914, in a small coal mining town deep in the Canadian Rockies.What changes can a faraway war bring to a tiny coal mining town, and the woman who's struggling to know herself? SNOW KISSED CHRISTMAS: 1903 IN A WESTERN COAL MINING TOWN.Christmas Eve, snow, a new baby coming---and no money.Sometimes, miracles can come in the most remarkable fashion.And sometimes, the angels that bring them are the most unlikely.