The world needs more quiet heroes! With whimsy and warmth, Bob Graham tells the lesser-known tale of a shy little soul who saves the day.What happened to Humpty Dumpty is the stuff of legend. But how many know of his brave little sister? While the Tumbling Dumpties, the family traveling circus troupe, is doing acts of spectacular daring, Dimity stays far from the spotlight, playing tunes on her tiny flute. But when Humpty falls off the wall where he's writing graffiti, it's Dimity who finds her voice and brings help that even the king's soldiers can't provide. With a wealth of humorous visual details -- the egg-carton caravan drawn by a chicken, the bandaging of Humpty's "leakage" after his fall -- Bob Graham pays tribute to a famous nursery rhyme figure and brings smiles to his readers once again.