What would you do if you were a Navy wing commander, and you encountered a UFO flying with you at 50,000 feet? You're in the F-35C Lightening II, the latest and best US Navy, fighter jet. It's designed to defeat any airplane in the skies, but the UFO can run circles around it. Luckily the ETs in the UFO appear to be peaceful. What if they saved your life when a Russian aircraft had you in its sights? Would you remain silent, or would you sing their praises and run the risk of being called a crackpot?
That is the decision facing Commander Gabriella Halsey in the skies over Syria. Gabi had no idea that her decision would not only put her Navy career in jeopardy, but it would also put her life in peril, not from the ETs or Russians, but from American patriots trying to control the information about her contact.
Ride along with Gabi as she flies to Paris at Mach 30 in an alien craft, and as she struggles to escape from a prison in the Groom Lake desert of Nevada. Discover the real meaning of: "The Cairo Rose is Chocolate Pink."