What does one do in the face of a relentless enemy?Stories Rule Press presents: Space Opera Digest 2021: Fight or Flight.Fight or flight is one of our most primal instincts, a leftover from primitive days. It cannot be denied. In the backwater colonies on the fringes of outer space, it is one of our most valuable skills.Ptolemy Lane. Sergeant Fisher. The Dagger. Senior Chief Jack Palahniuk. Jedidiah Kramer. Captain Hedge. Six heroes face that choice.Fight or flight.The Captain Who Broke the Rules by Cameron CooperStranded by Benjamin CooperDagger by David A. GrayPlankholder by Blaze WardThe Sentry by Clayton ScottTalionis by Eliot BishopSix stories. Six relentless enemies and six epic heroes. What will they do? How will they survive?Space Opera Digest 2021: Fight or Flight is the first volume in a quarterly collection of genre fiction anthologies presented by Stories Rule Press.Space Opera Science Fiction Anthology__Stories Rule Press is a family-run micropress in Alberta, Canada, working as a cooperative to bring great story-tellers together and assist them with publication.Editor Mark Posey is one of the original authors with Stories Rule Press. He edits fiction and non-fiction for various bestselling authors, and for Stories Rule Press. He also writes and publishes his own crime thriller fiction.