The planet of Odessa is caught between two adversaries whose personal antagonism may cost them much more than their lives.
On one side is Count Nicholas Fisk, ruler of Odessa and a staunch supporter of Katrina Steiner, the ruler of the Lyran Alliance. In an effort to help stamp out the rebellion against Katrina's rule that has sprouted up across dozens of Alliance worlds, Count Fisk hopes to lure one of the more successful rebels to ultimate destruction. On the other side of the conflict are Leftenant General Archer Christifori and his Archer's Avengers, who support Prince Victor and his bid to oust Katrina. Though he knows that Odessa is a trap, the possibility of winning over the famed mercenary unit Snord's Irregulars to the cause is too empting to pass up.
But where peace is expected, battle ensues. And the black and white of friend and foe quickly turn to shades of gray while treachery abounds.