With a determination born of desperation, Fels has convinced Carl to abandon their life in San Diego and build a self-sufficient little cabin high in the Cuyamaca Mountains. Carl has been wrestling with the premature termination of his blossoming musical career due to a freak accident, while Fels struggles with grief over the death of her beloved young nephew, for which she feels partly to blame. She believes that they can both find relief in the solitude afforded off the grid. Carl, though, wonders whether the isolation has begun to affect their minds when he finds an ancient Cuyamaca tribal chief hovering in the shadows, his spirit manifested as a coyote, while Fels is convinced that her nephew has reincarnated as a young ferret. More ominously, Carl realizes that another invisible visitor has been lurking among them, one created and placed for the sole purpose of killing humans. And there is no mistaking that this visitor is very much real.