Caitlin (Kate) O'Rourke is not your typical Irish-American lass. At six-one and one-hundred-seventy-eight pounds, with dark skin, raven-black hair, and a nose like an eagle, the former MVP setter/middle blocker on the Italian Pro Volleyball circuit is a has-been in her late 20s, prematurely retired due to a blown-out knee.Although retirement does not sit well with Kate, she soon finds herself so entangled in other people's difficulties that she doesn't have time to dwell on her own problems.Kehough's Irish Pub in Nashville, Tennessee, with its upstairs apartment, is home to Kate, and the pub itself not only provides employment for her brother, Seamus, and his wife, Mary Grace, but serves as an office for her fledgling confidential inquiries business.In Into Mind, Into Sight, a plea from a friend to run a check on the friend's former fiancé seems to be a simple enough request, and Kate readily agrees to the undertaking. When the friend is murdered, along with nine other people, in one of those increasingly-frequent senseless shootings, Kate decides that a promise is a promise and continues with her confidential inquiry.However, after completing her investigation and discovering the answer to her dead friend's query, Kate becomes the victim of a near-fatal attack.Was the assault just payback for what Kate's investigation revealed, or was it pre-emptive, to keep her from figuring out what else her confidential inquiry may have inadvertently uncovered?Kate needs to find the answer quickly, before the assassin strikes again.