'Knox's general style and plotting seem to be firming up with each successive novel.' SAN FRANSISCO CHRONICLE. 'Anyone who cherishes books of strength and excitement and literary quality had better be collecting this author.' BOOK WEEK. 'Bill Knox writes with the factual accuracy of a good reporter. he does his homework thoroughly.' JACK HOUSE, EVENING TIMES, GLASGOW. Bitter unrest among the tribes of the Thamaung Valley in modern Burma threatens a United Nations hydroelectric scheme. Talos Cord, classified as a "peacemaker" by the UN, arrives to act as arbitrator in the strike of native labourers working on the dam site. There is an undercurrent among the tribesmen that Talos cannot fathom, something mysterious that he senses but cannot identify. He follows a trail that eventually leads him to a deathtrap in a network of caverns and to a grim solution to the mystery.