Lepp is a side?splittingly funny man.--The Smithsonian Center for Folk Life The audience could barely stop laughing long enough to catch the next twist in the tale. --Andrew Milman, (Milwaukee) Journal Sentinel Bil Lepp, a young teller from Half Dollar [sic], W.Va., had the stage presence of a stand?up comedian. He told a hilarious forty?minute monologue about growing up and getting into trouble with his best friend. Lepp's stories begin appearing biographical, but continue becoming more outrageous until they're hysterically unbelievable.--Sean Rogers, The (Athens, OH) PostLepp is a well known liar . . . [his stories] will make you laugh. --Jill Jordan Sieder, U.S. News and World Report Lepp's tales will tickle the funny-bone . . . the humor is sophisticated . . . the laugh out?loud stories are lively. . . . --School Library JournalBil is a clever, versatile, magnificent, and charming writer. --Flora Joy, Storytelling World Magazine