How far would you go to retrieve a quarter-million dollars? Investigative journalists Paige and Max Alper drop everything, leave their jobs behind, and hopscotch from San Francisco to San Diego to New York to Hong Kong to take up the paper chase. It all starts when Paige rejects an heir-tracer's proposal to split fifty-fifty the inheritance from her adventurous and mysterious sea captain uncle. While her twin sister insists they accept the heir-tracer's offer without question, the Alpers launch their own trace, unaware that Uncle Jock Boylan was murdered - not for his money, but because he had collected evidence that would expose a conspiracy of Chinese government officials and a Hong Kong-based triad of pirates and white slavers. The result: A simple treasure hunt turns into an international adventure of intrigue, courage, death, and revenge.
J. J. Lamb and Bette Golden Lamb, authors of Bone Dry, live in Northern California.