Blythe Woolrich was a proper and respectable female. Genteelly poor and thoroughly modest, she was not at all the sort of woman to be held for ransom by a horde of nefarious pirates. And certainly not the sort whose passions could be stirred by their scandalously handsome captain! Her creamy skin flushed with indignation as the arrogant devil bullied and taunted her. But when he silenced her protests with a conquering kiss, she couldn't help but consider how enjoyable surrender might be!
Raider Prescott had a bad feeling about his beautiful hostage from the start. She was altogether too spirited for her own good... and too desirable for his! When he finally discovered she had no wealthy family to pay for her release, it was more than he could stand. He would take the only riches she could offer -- the tantalizing gleam in her golden eyes, the silken splendor of her luscious curves, the priceless treasure of her loving heart. For suddenly he realized that nothing was worth more to him than taking her as PASSION'S RANSOM