Fifteen stories from 1972-78. Favorites: "Child Of All Ages"-P.J.Plauger.-Melissa is twelve years old. She claims to be twenty-four hundred years old. "A Thing Of Beauty"-Norman Spinrad.- America has been destroyed by an insurrection. Mr.Ito of Japan wants to buy an artifact of historical interest to take back to his estate. He turns down a headless Statue of Liberty. His hunt continues. "Home Is The Hangman"-Roger Zelazny.-An A.I. robot named The Hangman is designed to explore other planets. It's later thought his ship has come back to Earth empty. Then it looks like he's back to kill the four who designed him. This story won the Hugo and Nebula awards. Other authors in the anthology are: Scott W. Schumack, David Lewis, Alfred Bester, Gene Wolf, George R.R. Martin, Hayford Peirce, Joe Haldeman, Gordon R. Dickson, Larry Niven, Vonda N. McIntyre, Joe Allred and Tim Joseph.