In the summer of 1939, Alex Fraser accepts an offer to serve as a foreign correspondent in Cairo for a newspaper consortium. Having learned that his mother had a lover when she was a young wife in Egypt, Alex is determined to learn the secrets of his past. As he begins to unravel his personal mysteries, his professional life is swept into turmoil by his assistant, Nadia Simatha, who involves him in a conspiracy involving the fate of the Suez Canal as war rapidly approaches. Helping Alex is Catherine Molyneux, a famous photographer in Egypt attempting to recover her stability both physically and mentally after being horribly assaulted by soldiers while covering the Spanish Civil War. As questions lead not to answers but to more questions and it becomes clear that both his life and Catherine's are in danger, it will take all of Alex's resolve to solve both his personal and professional problems and find a satisfying life in the intriguing sands of Egypt.
Barrington King has lived in Egypt, Greece, Tunisia and Cyprus.