Costanza lives on a vast seventeenth-century estate in Terni, Italy, north of Rome. While her adult son is away at the university, she and her teenage daughter, Anabella, are confronted with challenges of the estate. There is a fire in the vineyards, cattle are stolen, disputes arise among the servants, and unexpected visitors arrive. When Anabella is kidnapped by those who seek claim to her dowry, Costanza must accept help from a handsome merchant to get her back.
Antonio is wealthy, but lonely, and chooses to travel as a merchant to fill the emptiness of life. When he encounters Costanza, he is drawn to her family and faith. Assuming it should be easy to get what he wants, he proposes...but is rejected.
Costanza would rather remain a widow than have a husband who is rarely home. She is enjoying her independent role of estate manager and will marry for no less than the deepest of love. Can Antonio persuade her that he can offer what she desires?