Fifteen-year-old Lindsey Crawford spent two months at Springhill Home, a small, short-term community institution for teenage girls who suffer emotional & behavioral problems. Lindsey hated it. "The kids in here are totally dinged out," she said. "There's a bunch of freaks in this place." So Lindsey ran away. Upon Lindsey's return, Janet Wayne, a counselor, seeks to uncover the emotional trauma she is sure Lindsey is suffering. However, Lindsey's case manager, Rhonda Newhy, wants her committed to a correctional institution instead. Only one week remains to uncover the real reasons behind Lindsey's inappropriate behavior. Has Lindsey been abused or is she a delinquent? She has never revealed her past to anyone. What happened during the three weeks that Lindsey was on the run which finally prompts her to reveal her secrets to Janet? Although DENIAL OF RIGHTS is fiction, the events & many of the conversations were taken from actual accounts of teenagers who were confined to a mental health facility.