The earth was void and without form. It is from the Void God created. God saw all He had made, and behold it was very good. God then rested, very pleased with all He had created.
Later we are told a mist went up from the earth. A mist is something that 'conceals.' Why would God want to conceal or prevent His very good creation from being seen?
Once the mist is in place we find that God, or someone or something decided to redo the creation that God was originally pleased with. This time the story tells us, "The lord God formed man of the dust of the ground."
Looking at the word dust we find it means 'confusion,' and 'something of no worth.' Since confusion means 'without order or sense,' the question is, why would God want to recreate man without order and sense, and from something of no worth?
This is not so much about religion as it is in understanding what the ancient writers were trying to tell us. Understanding may make you question your religious beliefs along with your whole life's purpose and what you have been calling your reality. You may find, "We are prisoners of our minds and we are confined within it."