After disembarking from their last adventure aboard a cruise ship, Andrea Wilton and Brian Strait thought they were on their way to get married in Santo Domingo. When Andrea is abducted by sex traffickers, Brian goes on the hunt of a lifetime to disentangle her from some very bad people. Set in Miami, he uncovers a plot that includes missing women, drugs, and dirty cops. Editorial Review - In this fourth book of the Wilton/Strait mystery series, Andrea Wilton has finally said yes and is planning her wedding to her partner of the Shuster P.I. Agency, Brian Strait. However in the middle of her joyous plans, she and her best friend, Diane Michner, are abducted by Russian sex traders. Brian and Trent, Diane's husband, are about to lose their minds. Who could have abducted two grown women in broad daylight in front of several witnesses? Mrs. Derksen really outdoes herself in this fourth installment. It is high adventure from start to finish, once again bringing to the forefront that we must trust God no matter how dark the day may seem. I highly recommend this book. Robert M.-inmate Wakulla Correctional Institution, FLA As Andrea and Brain prepare for their wedding, evil personified interrupts the happy plans, a foreign sex trade where American women are sold to wicked men as slaves. An American detective in Miami is in it up to his eyeballs. God's favor is displayed and miraculously applied as the women are injured, kidnapped, sold, and prepared for transport, Andrea is spared the ultimate humility of defilement. In the meantime she is growing closer to God, begins to hear and recognize His voice and adds to her growing faith. Silence is an excellent and welcomed addition to the Wilton/Strait murder mystery series. I was glad to see Camilla and Troy get a family. The obvious lesson is to trust God regardless of the mess you're in. Napier â€" inmate Wakulla Correctional Institution, FLA