"I have better things to do than watch you eat your words!" he snapped.
She swore he'd never see her do it. Dr. Scott Zimmerman, "ghost hunter," deserved the scathing review she'd written of his latest book. Clearly the California psychologist was preying on the most gullible minds. Accompanying him to the isolated old mansion to observe his investigative "methods" and write an apologetic follow-up article wasn't her idea, yet now it seemed her job depended on it. Margo Dodd, savvy New York journalist, knew better than to believe in spirits, but from the moment she saw the swirling mists in the darkened tower... from the moment she fell into Scott's strong, infuriatingly protective arms... she knew she was being pursued by an apparition, and if she left Castleville without Scott, she would be haunted forever -- by a lost love.