An enigmatic Scottish laird and a young French noblewoman. An unforgettable night of passion. And a subsequent quest to reunite an illegitimate girl with her Highland sire. Giselle de Courtenay's chosen escort is an honorable but surly knight. Luc de Warenne is less than impressed with his assignment. He's a proud warrior, not a nursemaid. Still, all he has to do is deliver the girl safely to her Scottish father and then return to France to claim his substantial reward. It seems straightforward enough. But fate decides to take Giselle and Luc on a detour. In a tragic turn of events, they find themselves thrown together in a fight for their lives. Their refuge, a mysterious island with its ancient circle of stones, raises more questions than answers. After their spectacular rescue, Giselle and Luc are forced to decide where their futures lie. Will the bitterness of deception keep them apart? Or will love and a sprinkle of Highland magic lead to a happy ending?