Even a supernova can shine again.
A chance meeting between chart-topping pop star Brady and rebellious Cara--out to sow her wild oats--leads to one unforgettable night in Las Vegas. The next day, Cara runs home to family responsibility, unaware of Brady's search for her and his slip into a steep downward spiral. Life leaves them no choice but to pick up the pieces and move on…until they meet again, nine years later.
Cara's engaged, ready to settle into a quiet and normal life. Having Brady re-enter the scene doesn't figure into her big picture. But Brady's finally found what he needs to re-ignite his music career, and he's not about to leave it behind. He'll have to show Cara, with her help, even a supernova can shine again.
Content warning; snoopy small-towners, pestilent paparazzi, meddling relatives, second chances, and one hot rockstar.