“If you ever see her in a fight with a bear, get ready to help the bear,” is how some see MICAH ANN CAMERON, newly retired Public Works Director of a Cincinnati suburb. Others in this small town see MAC as a petite, feisty, modern-day combination of John Wayne and Mary Poppins. Happy with her carefree retirement life, she hurries to a convenience store before it closes and is attacked by a fleeing assailant dressed in white from head to foot. Staggering into the store, she finds the almost decapitated clerk lying on the floor in a pool of blood. Two other stores in neighboring cities were also robbed, and the clerks murdered in a similar manner. MAC is the only live witness, and becomes the target of the perpetrator. MAC's steel-like will has carried her over many of life's hurdles, but is sorely tested as she becomes the main player in finding and stopping the culprit before it strikes again.