Dorcas Carrothers is a shy, sweet rug designer from Minneapolis's placid Linden Hills.
Angus Alexandre MacLachlan MacQuirter is a gorgeous, goofy writer from Quebec, half French, half Scottish.
Dressed in a kilt for a publicity photo, Angus rescues Dorcas when her car slides into un ravin horrible on the Cabot Trail in the Cape Breton Highlands.
Woozy from her accident, romance novel reader Dorcas thinks she's gone through a time-space warp back into medieval Scotland, for Angus is a fantasy, nay, a dream come true: A genuine cinnamon-haired Scottish barbarian in living color and fully kilted.
"Are you going to ravish me?" Dorcas gasped, totally befuddled.
He blinked. Then his mouth quirked into a grin. "A charming idea..."
Ayoille! Laissez le bon temps rouler!