Double Vision begins in Charlotte and ends in Atlanta. This story develops as the lives of two young women collide. Neither of these bi-racial beauties has a thing in common! Vivica Edwards is heir to a national jewelry chain and Lillie Warren is a working-class girl in search of a better life. Pure coincidence, or fate, causes these women to meet in the airport. Their astounding resemblance makes them take notice of each other. A comfortable conversation is sparked, and they confide secrets they've never shared. It's unapparent to these ladies why they look alike, or who they really are. They're identical twins with a troubling history that links the lives and agendas of people neither of them know. Before this family reunion's able to begin, the plane crashes. Only one woman survives! Now the other faces the possibility of a new identity. Two senior sleuths arrive with an obsession for discovering the truth!