The genie is out of the bottle. After decades of secrecy, Stella has finally made her resort's natural hot springs available to guests. Little does she know, the waters have magical healing powers. Not only do the springs cure physical ailments, but matters of the heart as well. When word gets out, she has a riot of opportunity seekers on her hands.Presley could use a bit of that healing magic. She returns to the inn for an unexpected visit, pregnant, planning to stay for the summer, and refusing to talk about her new husband. Did she leave Everett's concert tour because of the pregnancy? Or is there trouble in paradise already?Also on a collision course are Cecily and Lyle who've been living together for six months. Things aren't working out as they'd hoped. Their separate roads in life rarely cross. Cecily knows she may have to yield if their paths are to merge. But at what cost? Is she willing to give up the career she's worked so hard for?Ollie is new on staff, hired by Stella to manage the Wellness Center. After a messy divorce and losing her family's vineyard in a fire, she's moved from California to Hope Springs in search of a fresh start. Most newcomers to Hope Springs are running, hiding, or searching. In Ollie's case, it's all three.The magical healing waters of Hope Springs are powerful. But are they enough to set this group of sojourners on the paths that will lead to their ultimate happiness?