A normal day in the life of those who live on the small, rocky island of Mykines in the Faroes Islands is demanding enough. However, nothing will ever compare to the unforgettable one that comes to the island one blustery fall day, especially for young 16-year-old Sven Klakk. What begins as a quiet day of fishing, with Sven enviously watching the men using fleygs (fowling nets) to catch birds on the cliffs high above him, ends in a tumult of suspense and terror. A force ten gale; a damaged ship in danger of smashing up on the rocks of the island most of the crew call home; a handful of women, old men, and one 16-year-old boy, to rescue the desperately helpless men…Then, when it seems impossible for things to get any worse than they already are -- they do! Arthur Catherall, a master of suspense, once again skillfully weaves an authentic tale of courage and suspense.