Ellen Steffee, a bright young computer programmer, flies to Mexico for vacation. Ominous events transpire...
For Ellen Steffee, a bright young computer programmer, life gradually turns into a nightmare when she flies to Mexico for a Christmas vacation. Her boyfriend, Rick Kemmler, who also works for Ellen's company, is setting up a computer division in the Mexico City office, and at first he appears delighted to see her. But then Ellen finds him secretly kissing a beautiful young woman. Soon afterward he is arrested and accused of smuggling jewels into the United States. And Ellen is shocked to find that she too is under suspicion. Attractive Charles Whitford, executive troubleshooter of their company, offers Ellen his help and affection. But after everything that's already happened, can she trust someone like Charles, with his shifting moods and his playboy reputation?
Hero: Charles Whitford
Heroine: Ellen Steffee