As a beautiful and sought-after woman, Iris is well aware of the hours of reflection and sighing due to her -- and of the dangers and temptations that await a man whose lover is absent. Thus, the hour between 8 and 9, before Damon is enjoined to rise, may be spent in Â"Agreeable Reverie,â of which the principle subject would be, of course, Iris, while 5 o'clock is the hour of Â"Dangerous Visits,â when Damon will be prey to the wiles and machinations of his female acquaintances. Interspersed with exquisite -- and instructive -- verse, The Lover's Watch is an ironic, sharp-witted observation of the universal manners of love as well as an invaluable manual for all eager suitors. Proto-feminist Aphra Behn was the first female professional writer in the English language; the author of many plays, she also wrote the highly regarded philosophical novel Oroonoko.