When the young Monsieur Louis, desperate virgin, witnesses his cousin's vigorous fornicating with one of house maids, the two cavortees promise to arrange a dalliance between our inexperienced protagonist and the similarly virginal younger sister of said maid called Rose. What follows is an epic night of the most profoundly debauched, awakening within each individual a type of hunger that only wild sexual abandon can sate.
It is not long before Louis, his two cousins, housemaids, and Rose are swapping partners in Bacchanalian scenes of orgiastic proportions. But what will stalwart father and uncle do when they discover their offspring's frequently lewd indiscretions?
This gem of Victorian erotica, originally appeared in The Pearl, A Magazine of Facetiae and Voluptuous Reading published by William Lazenby during 1879-1880, a periodical notorious for its licentious and unabashedly graphic prose. La Rose D'Amour will make a fine addition to any collection of the once-banned.