Man: Secret agent Max Moran--silent, stealthy and ready to spring.
Current Assignment: Rescue a kidnapped child.
Disturbing Factor: Teaming up with ex-agent Marisa Stevens--delicate, determined and dreamy enough to break any stoic secret agent's stride.
Bracing himself for the worst, Max Moran woke to answer a midnight phone call. But even the rough, tough veteran agent was rocked by the voice he heard: Marisa Stevens. Trapped in Barcelona, she was asking the partner who'd ended her career to help get her out.
Within hours they were reunited, weaving a precariously unpredictable path to track a mysteriously missing child. But Marisa's bedtime request awakened more than a spy to adventure. It roused desire six years simmering and lured mighty Max into terrain he feared--the unexplored wilds where there is love....