This third book in the Cascade Mountain Railroad Mysteries series, based on a page from American history, follows a trio of mischievous and determined young crime solvers.It is 1926 in the remote camp town of Scenic, Washington, and Billy, Dannie, and Finn have more on their minds than the upcoming Fourth of July pageant. When Billy finds a mysterious burlap sack containing a threatening note, he and his best friends have a brand new case to solve.
The trail leads the trio to a planned railroad heist of a special train carrying raw silk worth millions from the Seattle shipyards to the East Coast textile mills. But time is running out as the three friends frantically search for clues to the identity of the robber before the targeted "ghost train" passes through Scenic.
Anne Capeci's fast-paced historical series offers young readers a satisfying mystery, well-drawn characters, and an authentic portrait of the rough and tumble life of a western camp town in the 1920s.