Shivers, the pirate who's afraid of everything, went on one adventure -- JUST ONE -- to rescue his parents, and it was TERRIFYING. He's spending the foreseeable future in his bunny slippers aboard the Land Lady, THANK YOU VERY MUCH. (And please stop yelling. It scares him.)
There's just one problem. Mayor Sheila B. President has taken his beloved ship! (Gasp!) If' Shivers ever wants to relax again, he'll have to grab his swimmies, hold tight to his bestirs, and dive grimace-first into a rolling sea of pirate-y danger before his ship is gone for good.
Landlubbers be warned: this talc has more clingy clams, freakish Franks, and slimy hot dogs than you can shake a fish at. Wye be not afraid, heave-ho, and sail off for another hilarious high-seas adventure.