A Noble Hearts Regency Romance A shocking discovery...After years abroad, Slade Mason, the Earl of Drake returns home to discover his father is dead and his brother is severely wounded in a carriage accident. His suspicions on high alert, Slade embarks on an investigation to root out the killer. A secret love...Lady Bella Stewart is in London for her first Season, but she can't help but compare every potential suitor to her brother's best friend, Slade, who went abroad years ago to seek his fortune. When Bella bumps into Slade at a bookshop in town she's not only surprised to see him, she's shocked at the tragic circumstances surrounding his return. Despite her deep feelings of attraction to Slade, Bella vows to help him with his investigation. As Slade and Bella risk their lives to uncover the deadly truth in Slade's family will they dare risk their hearts to discover true love? (Originally published as part of the Christmas on Scandal Lane anthology.)