In the inspiring third installment of The Davis Twins Series, Faking Changes, Courtney has managed to arise from a background filled with abuse and hardship. She has seen the dark side of humanity and experienced horrors that her tightknit group of friends can't begin to imagine. Although she has transformed her life, she can't escape the inferiority complex that lurks in the shadows of her mind making her feel like an imposter who just doesn't belong. Will she and the Davis twin who feels like he lost to his brother be able find happiness together, or will the secrets of her past haunt her forever? This contemporary romance novel can be read as a stand-alone book or in conjunction with the first two steamy books in this series, Taking Chances and Making Choices. These novels feature a spicy, complicated love triangle that one reviewer called "a hot, lusty tale with a twist!" Spend the day getting to know the sexy Davis twins. Who will you choose? #TeamSeth #TeamSamE-Book Categories: Contemporary Romance Fiction, Women's Romance Fiction, Romance Books for Kindle, Romance Reads, Romance Love Stories, Romance Series, Steamy Romance, Erotic Romance.