Within these pages, you'll find:
Club Facts: A complete listing of all of the BSC's rules, regulations, and poSitions, as well as the entire history of the club
BSC Members: Extensive biographies of all the BSC members -- including their school classes, descriptions of their rooms, boyfriends, interests, and more
BSC Family Members: Parents, siblings, pets, grandparents -- practically a family tree for each BSC member
BSC Clients: The full BSC client list, just like the Baby-sitters' own record book
Other BSC People: A listing of nearly everyone in Stoneybrook, including all the students and teachers at SMS
Places: All the Stoneybrook streets, schools, playgrounds, and stores -- even the Washington Mall
Things: Includes books, music groups, TV shows, toys, and games from the BSC
Beyond Stoneybrook: All the details of Dawn's California home and Stacey's New York City life, as well as other exciting BSC travel spots!
You'll discover all this, and much, much more, inside The Complete Guide to the Baby-sitters Club. Every BSC fact and figure is included, as well as an all-new map of Stoneybrook, and page references so you can look the facts up on your own. It's all in here -- the book that no true BSC fan can live without!