Delaney Stephens's life on the love front left much to be desired. She was a single, attractive, educated, 28-year-old woman, who was worried that she was going to land up alone for the rest of her life with a bunch of cats. Delaney's career as a high school teacher didn't exactly keep her in touch with eligible bachelors. Her last boyfriend took his precious Tupperware and hit the road after being told to pay rent. Delaney's arrogance, as well as clumsiness, had run her last two dates off. Even her brother was playing matchmaker in her life. When Delaney was least expecting romance, she found it at her high school. A hot-looking construction worker named Sean Callahan crosses Delaney's path after school one day, and the two prove to be a combustible combination. Delaney was determined to steer clear of a guy that was "all bod, no brain," but Sean proved to be much more than a handsome face.