Anree Alexander, in the midst of a career change, falters when the unforgettable Rhonda “Ron” Mitchell sparks a flame he'd never felt before. Even his first love, football, has a hard time competing for his affection the moment she steps into his life. He hadn't counted on the game win taking so many turnovers, but he was all in, ready to win her heart and her love. In the last minutes of the final quarter, his offensive strategy, take all or nothing, puts the final play into motion. Rhonda Mitchell had more to do than fumble with the likes of the former pro-football player, Anree Alexander. She just wasn't the sporty-type, besides she had other, more pressing, things to worry about. So she knew with certainty that Anree just wasn't her guy, even though sparks flew the instant they met. By half-time, though, she couldn't resist his boyish charm or his blazing seductions. Something about his tackles caught her totally off guard and without the options of instant replay. So, she has to decide whether to go for the safety or press forward for the winning touchdown. For a moment, the game looked winless, the defense stacked against them, but once Ron and Anree figured out the final play, the score was love to nothing...