Set in Middle Renaissance France (1571-1572), "Faithful" opens during a tenuous peace between two habitually warring factions, French Catholics and French Protestants (Huguenots). As an act of acceptance and to protect his political interests, Catholic monarch Charles IX negotiates his sister's marriage to a Huguenot sovereign. Certain that these marriages can solve all of France's problems, he arranges another between two aristocratic families. Catholic Isabella is already promised to another when the King breaks her engagement and gives her to the Huguenot Blaise.
The only thing the wastrel Blaise detests more than marriage is Catholics.
What a match
Thrust together against their wills, Blaise and Isabella clash every step of the way, but cannot deny their growing attraction. Will they overcome their prejudices? Will they fall in love?
Unbeknownst to them, they are in a race against time as malevolent forces dissatisfied with peace hatch a monstrous plot. A plot which will pit Catholic against Huguenot, cast France into another war of religion and alter the lives of all involved.