The Wages of Virtue…
It is a new era and the children must establish themselves as the next generation of the families. Still mourning the loss of his wife and new-born child, Joseph is on course for spectacular failure, and a serious mining accident adds to his sense of desolation. Overseas, Henry Star flourishes in the corrupt world of the Southern States
Books best read in series order.About the series: The highly acclaimed
A Poor Man at the Gate series follows the fortunes of young Englishman Tom Andrews, a petty smuggler turned ‘pirate' and his friend Joseph Star, a part-Carib freed slave. After making a small but illicitly gained fortune aboard a privateering ship in the Caribbean and later in New York at the time of the Revolutionary War, they are betrayed and forced to flee to England.
They settle in industrial Lancashire at the beginning of the first great industrial boom; as unscrupulous businessmen they quickly become very rich. Wealth allows Tom to buy a landed estate where he hopes to be accepted by the local aristocratic families. This expansive and meticulously-researched historical saga tells of Tom and Joseph's triumphs and disasters as they aspire to create powerful dynasties to rival any in England.
Published by The Electronic Book Company
A New York Times Best-seller Listed Publisher