Uncle Andy is back with his latest Ein Stein story, The Chipmunk Detective and the Bully. Ein Stein and his girlfriend, Gertrude, have many friends, including Hooty the owl, Orville the otter, Rick the raccoon and Hausenbergerdorff the beaver. But Ein's best friend is Tim, another chipmunk. They get along well together and respect each other's differences. Unfortunately, Tim, whose tail fur was burned off in a fire, is targeted by a bully. Ein is outraged. Using footprints, fingerprints, a flaw in the bully's messages, and his powers of observation and deduction, Ein tracks down the bully. He concocts a plan to stop the bully with the help of his friends. Will Ein succeed and put an end to the bullying, which is a big problem for young people and chipmunks everywhere? An experiment to detect whether your fingerprint is a whorl, a loop, or an arch is included in the appendix. This is the fifth book in the Ein Stein series. Andrew Graham Frame is a retired chemical engineer who encourages young people to explore science careers. He grew up in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has two daughters, Sharon, a teacher/librarian, and Terri, a personal trainer. He now lives in Sarnia, Ontario, with his wife, Bernice. As Uncle Andy, he creates delightful characters that children can relate to and enjoy as they ponder problems. The author once stood up to a bully in his youth and they later became friends. His next book is a suspense novel. Publisher's website: