The Lift is a stand alone Eddie Collins short story of about 30 pages. CSI Eddie Collins embarks on another ordinary day. But the people he meets in a lift prove that you should never make assumptions, never let preconceptions sway your judgement. And never let down your guard.If you like fast-paced crime thrillers with raw emotions and characters that reach out of the book and grab you by the throat, you'll love Andrew Barrett's Eddie Collins series.To experience Eddie's ride to hell, buy The Lift today.What people say about The Lift:~An incredibly well penned piece of work. He blows me away with each book.~A masterclass in how to hook the reader and then rack up the tension level to 100~From the moment I read the opening lines I knew this was going to be good.~Very atmospheric and forceful short story.~CSI Collins is a very believable character and certainly has an enjoyable dry wit. His cynical remarks in the lift are just spot on.~The tension builds as we become privy to Eddie's thoughts, fears and anxieties; the claustrophobic setting adding to the sense of menace, as the reasons for the other two's presence are revealed.~Eddie is as world-worn and blackly humorous as ever, a character with such depth.~The three-hander plays out with the vividness and claustrophobic threat Barrett is so good at creating. You, the reader, are there in that lift.~It was real, gritty and gripping. I was in that lift.~Andrew has created a gripping and complete tale which challenges stereotype.