Sequel Series carried over from the Life series and Destiny Series. Focusing on the entire family lives and their fate as their lives intertwine in the small town of Sars Springs. As a startling motorcycle crash echoes through the town, it affects more lives than just those in the accident. The lives of the Markums and O'Roarks will never be the same as their world is once again driven by tragedy and fate. Can Dr. Markum save her family or even cure herself? As the world seems to be crashing all around her, the answers of her long line of illnesses come to surface, will she finally be cured of all the pain? Will Terry stand by her when he discovers the truth that she's been hiding in her own mind? Alex struggles with her own demons and the secrets that she's been keeping from her family, as she holds Jim's hand, as he recovers from his motorcycle accident. As she tries to figure out what she really wants out of life, she wonders who he will be if and when he wakes up.