Young, sweet and innocent, Heavenly Wilcox has found the perfect apartment in an idyllic California beach town. While the rest of the world is full of dark and hard times, Heavenly is determined to be an independent gal of the 'Eighties. Her best friends are bohemian rockers determined to be the next Heart. They've even got a nice guy they want her to meet.
But it's neighbor Jules who catches her attention. Dumbfounded by the attraction, Hev looks for a distraction and finds it in a newspaper clipping, lottery winnings, a missing resident and a rottweiler suddenly in her care. Blackmail and perhaps murder are the last things she expected to discover under California's sunny skies.
Trying her best to adopt the fearless aplomb of the women who surround her, Hev dives into solving the mystery hidden in sleepy San Tomas. Her heart, however, is much more interested in the mystery of the feelings that Jules has awakened.