The first in a “quirky” cozy mystery series “full of magical fun,” featuring an enchanted garden in Scotland -- “a delight from start to finish” (Juliet Blackwell, New York Times"bestselling author).
Reeling from the loss of her fiancé and flower shop, Fiona Knox is surprised to find her new-found inheritance comes with magic, mystery, and murder. Florist Fiona Knox's life isn't smelling so sweet these days. Her fiancé left her for their cake decorator. Then, her flower shop wilted after a chain florist opened next door. So when her godfather, Ian MacCallister, leaves her a cottage in Scotland, Fiona jumps on the next plane to Edinburgh. Ian, after all, is the one who taught her to love flowers. But when Ian's elderly caretaker Hamish MacGregor shows her to the cottage upon her arrival, she finds the once resplendent grounds of Duncreigan in a dreadful shambles -- with a dead body in the garden.
Minutes into her arrival, Fiona is already being questioned by the handsome Chief Inspector Neil Craig and getting her passport seized. But it's Craig's fixation on Uncle Ian's loyal caretaker, Hamish, as a prime suspect, that really makes her worried. As Fiona strolls the town, she quickly realizes there are a whole bouquet of suspects much more likely to have killed Alastair Croft, the dead lawyer who seems to have had more enemies than friends.
Now it's up to Fiona to clear Hamish's name before it's too late in
Flowers and Foul Play,
USA Today bestselling author Amanda Flower's spellbinding first Magic Garden mystery.