When their childhood friend Queen Victoria seeks their help in investigations requiring the utmost discretion, the Sutherland sisters become...
Holly Sutherland has always been the reckless sister, the one most likely to hitch up her skirts and gallop astride a powerful stallion. Holly's affinity for horses leads Queen Victoria to enlist her help when a prized Thoroughbred colt, a gift from the Ashworth family, disappears. To catch the thief, Holly must put on her best manners and mingle with Ascot Society. But her encounters with dashing Colin Ashworth create emotional turmoil because she's powerfully attracted to him, but uncertain she can trust him....
In truth, Colin did steal the queen's colt! When his father, the duke, left for an extended trip, Colin became responsible for the family's vast estates and the people who live on them. And when a series of calamities struck and were blamed on a centuries-old curse involving the colt, Colin was forced to act. Now, as Holly's growing suspicions threaten to expose the truth, his head tells him to distance himself. But with his heart, body, and soul all clamoring for Holly, he finds her impossible to resist...