Party of three? In Three Way, 21 of the very best erotica writers offer steamy and surprising variations on the m?nage ? trois, erotica readers' most often named favorite fantasy. Editor Alison Tyler has gathered a thrilling variety of scenarios that are playful, sensuous, and dangerously explicit. Stories include "The Scarless" by Marcelle Perks, an edgy story about a steamy movie shoot starring multiple men and a lone woman, and "Third Party" by Dawn M. Pares, where a couple pick up a third at a bar, as they do every so often, only this time their new friend is not quite what he seems. Three is definitely a charm in this adventurous anthology that begins with Tyler's own true confession of her own first three way at a naughty nineteen years old. In her own words, "Three means more of everything. Maybe I am greedy but, when it comes to sex, I like more of everything. More fingers. More tongues. More limbs. More tangling and wrestling on the mattress." Lucky for readers, she is not the only one and has lovingly selected salacious stories proving true the adage that "good things come in threes.