Meet three unlikely friends who work in Los Angeles to start their lives, make their marks, and play...with boys
ALEXIS IS A MUSICIANS' MANAGER with a smart mouth, an ample body, and loads of style, but barely enough self-esteem to fill a Prada card case. Marcella is a hot, sharp, young television actress who's barely able to enjoy the life she's
II bought for herself, and certainly isn't enjoying her body, which is never quite perfect enough. Olivia's life revolves around her toddler son, Jack, and she's so stuck in her suburban mommy rut she can almost forget the horrible thing that happened to her family when she was a child herself. Then there's Goyo, the refreshing and sexy Cuban rapper, who would be romance material if not for the girlfriend from home he's trying to smuggle into the States.
And the boys in their lives? Marcella's had just about enough of them throwing themselves at her. Olivia's is still in pull-ups. And Alexis is searching not for a boy this time, but for a man....