All types of items are vanishing from the shelves of Aunt Gracie's sundry store on the corner of Mill and Main Streets. But the kind-hearted shop owner of Mill Creek isn't having any luck catching the thief. When Beans gets wind of the dilemma, she offers her help to Vito's aunt and promises to solve the crime. She rounds up Booger and Vito, and together their explorations uncover a hidden staircase, one that leads to an unbelievable encounter. BEANS (QUINN) FAGIOLI considers herself a modern Nancy Drew with a twist. She's a feisty red-headed teenager with a thirst for crime-stopping. After six years of traipsing from Seattle to Galveston to Steubenville, Beans and her mom have settled in unsuspecting Mill Creek, New Jersey, a quaint and quiet rural town. Here they seek a stable life, one that can heal the enduring grief from the death of their father and husband.