Darkly humorous, Captain Pamphile is a thrilling adventure story, full of sea battles, mutiny, and exotic animalsĀ -- all led by one of Dumas' most intriguing creations. In the fashionable social circles of 1831, the vogue is to collect one's own menagerie, and there is soon a demand for exotic animals from the four corners of the world. Musing on how a monkey, a bear, and a turtle came to inhabit the same Parisian drawing room, Dumas introduces Captain Pamphile, a decidedly unorthodox ProvenƧal sea caption with a flair for Ā"liberatingā unusual species from their native shores. The narrative soon gives way to the story of Pamphile's own lifeĀ -- from his early hunting expeditions to his daring naval hijackings and his aberrant involvement in the local slave trade. French novelist and playwright Alexandre Dumas who is best remembered for The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo.